There will be NO LATE START on Monday, November 4, school will start at the normal time, with the first bell at 7:40 a.m. and the tardy bell at 7:45 a.m.
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: On Tuesday November 5, we will dismiss at 2:25 p.m. and Conferences will be held from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 – 8:00 p.m. Conferences will be held in The Commons. The conferences are for parents and teachers, not students or other children. Please be sure to bring a copy of your student’s report card, or have access to it on your phone. FALL PLAY: On November 7, 8, and 9, the Drama Department will present CLUE, a madcap comedy based on the Parker Brothers board game. The oddball characters will keep you laughing as the audience tries to guess whodunit. Tickets are $10 each and are available in the office. Students may purchase tickets during break in The Commons. The Thursday and Friday performances are at 7 p.m. On Saturday there will be two performances one at 2 p.m., and an evening performance at 7 p.m. FUNDRAISING DINNER: On Saturday, November 9, the Praise Crowd will serve a Taco Dinner between the matinee and evening performances. Donations will be accepted at the door and the money raised will go to support the Praise Crowd activities. VETERANS DAY: Monday, November 11 – Calling all Veterans in the ICHS Community! Illiana is hosting a breakfast and chapel service honoring veterans on Veterans Day. Meet us at the flag pole in front of school at 7:45 a.m. for devotions. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 a.m. in the Commons and then you are invited to join us for chapel beginning at 8:55 a.m. Please RSVP here or call the school at 219-558-7066 ext. 41. DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT: The 12th Annual Dodgeball Tournament will be held on Friday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be $5 at the door. Please come out and have a ball! All are invited. ILLIANA CHRISTIAN AUCTION: Please join us for Illiana’s 5th Annual Auction on Saturday, November 23. The Silent Auction begins at 5:00 p.m. and live auction at 5:30 p.m. We are eager for your partnership and are asking for your investment by providing items or services to be auctioned or cash donations. Proceeds from this auction will support the Athletic Department, and the STEM program. The goal this year is to raise $65,000. If you have questions, contact Darren DeBoer at or 219-558-7066 ext. 14. If you are interested in donating to the auction, please complete this form. |
YEARBOOK 2019-2020: Students will be able to order the 2019-2020 yearbook, The Spire, in November. An order form will be given to students in homeroom which they must complete at that time. The cost of the yearbook will be added to your tuition statement. If there is a change with the order, please contact Suzanne Jonkman – The cost will be $68 if ordered this fall. If a student requests a yearbook after printing, the cost will be $80. The Spire will be distributed at the beginning of October next year.
FRUIT SALE: The Junior class sells oranges, grapefruit, and mixed nuts to help cover some of the cost of the Junior-Senior Banquet. The sale will be from November 19 to December 3. The delivery date will be around December 11. If you are interested in purchasing these, please contact a junior student with your order. Junior students are reminded to have their orders in no later than December 3, and the payments are due by December 18. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS: Information is available at the school website. This will link you to the Emergency Closing Center. E-mail notification is also available by signing up on the website at Parents will be notified by phone using Parent Alert. |
PREVIEW ILLIANA (OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS): Discover what Illiana Christian has to offer at Preview Illiana on December 5 at 7:00 p.m. Parents and students interested in learning more about Illiana are welcome. Meet with faculty and administration, tour the campus, attend informative sessions, and have all of your questions answered about Illiana. No pre-registration necessary. Contact Marie Limback at 219-558-7066 ext. 49 or with any questions. Do you know someone who should receive an invitation to Preview Illiana? Please let Mrs. Limback know!
HOST FAMILIES: Have you considered being a host family for an international student? Illiana Christian High School is seeking families with an interest in hosting international students for the 2020-2021 academic year. There may also be opportunities to host for the second semester of the current school year, starting in January 2020. This is a great opportunity to care for, educate, and learn from a curious international student as he or she navigates a new spiritual, educational, and cultural environment. Host families receive a stipend which covers tuition for one of their own children for a year. Interested families should contact Director of Admissions, Marie Limback, at or 219-558-7066 ext. 49. |
GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES COUPON BOOKS: P.I.E. is selling Golden Opportunities Books. Both NWI and Chicago South Suburbs books are available in the office for $25 each. · P.I.E. VOLUNTEERS: Don’t forget to check Opportunities are still available, and new ones open up as cancellations and new events come up. Five lunches equals the full $200 P.I.E. credit. Be sure to register on This site will send you reminders for your scheduled dates. Direct any questions to Vicky DeBoer at · SCRAPBOOK SUPPLIES: Illiana scrapbooking supplies are available. Contact Wendy Vroom if you are interested in purchasing any supplies at · SCRIP: SCRIP cards are perfect for stocking stuffers and holiday gift giving. You can purchase these gift cards at or at the SCRIP store. Don’t wait to place your order! Do you have family members that give gift cards for Christmas? Why not offer to purchase the gift cards through your SCRIP account and collect the tuition credit back? · SCRIP Dates: Due Nov. 5, pick-up Nov. 12; Due Dec. 3, pick-up Dec. 10. NOTE: Last Scrip order before Christmas will be Dec. 3. Keep in mind that some cards run out of stock in December. For questions about SCRIP, please email Jill at · The SCRIP payout was posted as of 10/27/19, and will be on your November statement. The SCRIP payout for the last quarter was $5805.95. This is money earned by parents using the program is applied to their tuition accounts. For information or to sign up please email Jill Rozendal at |
Mark your calendar for the music concerts in December (All concerts begin at 7:30 p.m.): o December 12-Choir Concert, o December 17-Band Concert, o December 19-Chambers Concert. · Christmas Break begins on Monday, December 23, and goes through Friday, January 3. School resumes on Monday, January 6, 2020. |
WINTER SPORTS TRYOUT INFORMATION: The IHSAA opening dates for tryouts are as follows, (times will be announced at a later date): · Wrestling Tryouts: November 4 · Boys Basketball Tryouts: November 11 ADMISSION PRICES FOR WINTER ATHLETIC EVENTS: Adults: $5.00, Students (with ID): $3.00, Seniors: $3.00, and Fall Family Pass: $25. Family passes will be available from Suzanne Jonkman, in the office, or at athletic events at the gate. |